Forza Motorsport 6: Apex quick facts and FAQ - Forza Forums Release Date: May 5 - Open Beta through summer updates ... Forza Motorsport 6 : Apex is "designed for players who are new to the franchise" but draws on elements from the full Forza Motorsport 6 ... Mod Cards: not included Forza Apex Beta available to download now - Forza Motorsport ... You can now download the beta to Forza Apex now from the Windows 10 store. ... anniversary update which will also allow mods, overlays and more. ... " DEFAULT INSTALL LOCATION: Forza Motorsport 6: Apex will install to ... People have started to mod UWP games (Forza 6 Apex) | NeoGAF Saw a post from GAF user TheAdmiester who has been messing around with modding Forza 6. I'm not sure what methods he's using, but from ...
Cостоялся релиз бета-версии Forza Motorsport 6 Apex Microsoft и Turn 10 Studios объявили о старте открытого бета-тестирования Forza Motorsport 6 Apex сроки проведения, которого не уточняются. Предположительно все лето. На данный момент клиент игры уже доступен и скачать его можно по следующей ссылке. Forza Motorsport 6: Apex – Open Beta | Alpha Beta Gamer Forza Motorsport 6: Apex is a stripped down and focused single player version of Forza Motorsport 6, designed from the ground upThe Open Beta starts on May 5th and will be available to download from the Windows 10 Store. Maybe it’ll even give those who are hanging onto Windows 7 a push to... Бета-версия Forza Motorsport 6: Apex доступна для… В ходе открытого бета-тестирования разработчики будут улучшать производительность Forza Motorsport 6: Apex на самых разных конфигурациях. Также они в очередной раз подвтердили, что Turn 10 работает над добавлением в Forza Motorsport 6: Apex поддержки манипуляторов...